You could grab content from images/photos using its OCR capability. In just a few clicks, you can edit, merge, convert, compress, and safeguard your PDF documents. Pesto is a PDF editing software that is both powerful and simple to use. show more What is PDF Bob ? PDF Bob Pricing All of your documents are kept in a queue by PDF Bob, so you can download them all at once whenever you've finished editing them.

You can either download the changed document or submit a new document to work on after your modifications are complete. When you complete one job on a document, you'll be given a list of other tools to utilize for further activities. All of these activities are as easy as picking a tool, uploading a document, and letting PDF Bob do the rest. The output can be saved as PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, or PNG. You can also merge files by adding additional ones to the one that is presently open. It is possible to add new blank pages, rearrange pages, delete pages, and merge files under the "Manage pages" option. In PDF, text can be edited, added, highlighted, struck out, and underlined, comments and photographs can be added, and lines, arrows, rectangles, and circles can be added. PDF Bob is a free online PDF editor that allows you to both edit and annotate PDF documents.